Sunday, 22 July 2012

And so, the journey begins

About 2 years ago we first noticed Scout Hall in the Shibden Valley on the market. We were hooked by the idea of renovating such a beautiful wreck and calling it our family home. We had been looking for a house to make our family home for some years and whilst this looked to be a dream of a project, did we really want to take on something this momentous? We contacted an architect and looked into the logistics of such a romantic project ... 

And so, after a fairly lengthy conveyancing process, Scout Hall is finally ours.

We have been up to see our new 'home' a few times in the last fortnight - so have seen it in the rain, the damp, and the sunshine!! Our 3 year old has christened it "The Building House" and is looking forward to moving in with "Bert the guinea pig" (not yet a member of our family). We are all hugely excited and look forward to sharing our restoration journey with you all.

The front elevation:

A view of the rear elevation:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you!
    We are much excited, and a little overwhelmed - but I think it'd be unhealthy for us not to experience a little trepidation at the unknown!

    We're looking forward to sharing our journey with everyone.

  3. Oooppppsss apologies DebZuma, your comment was removed by our daughter by accident.

  4. Best wishes with your project and thanks for sharing it. If you need any assistance on the history of the building and surroundings etc let me know David Cant

    1. Thank you David, your offer is very kind and much appreciated. We will be in touch - probably once we are settled on site.

  5. Thank you for posting this information, it is very interesting.

    I first came across Scout Hall in 1998 and have quite a few photos of the place shortly after it was abandoned.

    I have a lot of information on the history and newspaper cuttings dating back to the 1960s when the hall was going to be knocked down!

    Would be good to share some info... Jonathan

    1. Thank you for you comment Jonathan.

      We are looking forward to researching the history of the place so it'd be great so see your findings (as well as those of other local historians). We are still very much focussed on the relocation process, but once we are settled, we will be in touch.

  6. So glad someone has purchased this piece of history. I love this building but it was out of my league, especially given the scope of "renovation"!! required. Grosvenor prints holds an image of Scout Hall in Shibden Dale and the pitch of the roof looks rather different. Would love to see this work as it progresses.
    All the best with the restoration and keep us posted.


Feel free to add your comments about the renovation and the history of Scout Hall, we look forward to reading them.